Application of Computer
>> Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Areas of computer application
- A few important areas in which computers are used both extensively and intensively.
Scientific and Engineering Areas
- Analysis of electrical net works.
- Analysis and design of engineering components and structure viz. Buildings, Bridges, Vessels etc..
- Astrological indications.
- Architectural designs and drafting.
- Archeological predictions.
Business and Commerce Areas
- Accounts receivable.
- Accounts payable.
- Automatic trunk ticketing system.
- Air traffic control.
- Billing (electric and telephone bills etc.).
Administration Areas
- Hospital bed allocations.
- Finger print identification, crime detection and police records.
- Instrumentation and monitoring system.
- Tabulation of examination Results.
- Household Applications.
Humanities Areas
- Education.
- Computer Art.
- Computer Game.
Other Areas
- Word Processing.
- Language Translation.
- Library indexing and information processing.
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